Technique: compression & vibration

Your transfiguration will be natural.


The procedure is non-invasive and physiological. The massage is performed using a small amount of oil or over the suit. Following the lymphatic drainage lines, the massage therapist moves the cylinder-handpiece over the body. The handpiece with 10 rows of symmetrically arranged mini-spheres made of medical grade silicone has a well-defined sinusoidal effect. At the same time, the pressure on the skin is regular and determined by the weight of the handpiece. Stratosphere Technology provides the closest skin contact, which allows for effectively sculpting those layers that can rarely be treated with either fitness or diets.



The rotation of the spheres generates micro-vibrations and enhances the fat burning process. By acting on mechanoreceptors, Stratosphere reduces the nervous system excitability. The client relaxes; the processes in the body are balanced:

  • increased blood circulation and oxygenation of cells;
  • natural outflow of metabolic products and excess fluid;
  • getting rid of congestion effects;
  • reduction in the volume of subcutaneous fat.


Depending on the sensations and objectives of the massage, the degree of vibration can be regulated. So, achieving a lymphatic drainage effect requires a minimum power, while a local study of problem areas worth increasing the impact. Maximum power is provided by a custom-made motor manufactured in Germany. In the course of an anti-cellulite massage session, there is a mechanical effect on fibrous formations from the connective tissue, with the temperature of the massaged areas rising, and skin peeling.


Safety of the procedure 

Stratosphere has a mechanical, controlled effect on all skin layers. There is no further stretching or damage to the skin and subcutaneous layers. The root causes of cellulite and skin laxity (slagging of the body, venous blood and lymph congestion) are eliminated in their natural way (without using currents, ultrasound, or radio frequencies), and the body becomes healthier and lighter.



Modeling massage is a powerful tool that can result in significant changes in the human body. Body treatments are not recommended for those who have:

  • oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases (angor pectoris, heart attack, heart failure, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • purulent inflammation and skin rashes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary, lymphatic and endocrine systems;
  • pregnancy and 3-months postpartum period (the abdominal area cannot be treated).


How is the procedure carried out?

Before starting the procedure, the specialist advises the client and determines the duration and number of sessions that will be required to achieve the desired result. The duration of the procedure can be 45 to 75 minutes. The average course consists of 6 to 12 procedures. In accordance with the protocol, the lymph nodes are first opened and the lymph flow is started, then the local zones (buttocks, back, thighs, breeches and abdomen) are treated. Depending on the zone treated, the power increases to the required level and the massage therapist makes his moves more intense.


Feelings during the procedure

According to the clients themselves, the procedure feels like “the simultaneous touch of thousands of fingers of massage therapists.”


The Stratosphere procedure is an effective way to sculpt the body.

  • Eliminates cellulite
  • Reduces body volume
  • Removes excess weight
  • Restores skin tone
  • Gives a push-up effect to the buttocks
  • Improves cosmetic defects of the figure


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